Workplace Massage Service for Staff
A workplace massage service is a fantastic way to help colleagues reduce the physical symptoms of stress. It can also help promote relaxation and provide employees a much-needed energy boost
These massages are carried out over-the-clothes, and are pressure point-style massages, focusing on the whole of the back, neck and shoulders, arms, hands and head.
Sessions are carried out with the receiver sitting in a specially designed chair, meaning there is almost no disruption to their daily work routine.
Click below to get a quote on workplace massage days.
How does a Workplace Massage Service Work?
Our experienced and professional masseuse attends your workplace with everything needed – you just need to provide a quiet, private space for the appointments to take place.
The day can be run as drop-in sessions, where attendees just turn up for an appointment, or you can run them by booking only, to ensure everyone who wants an appointment can get one.
15-minute appointments
No. of Attendees
Up to 22 attendees per day
Who is this for?
Perfect for the whole team
Face-to-face in your workplace
On a date of your choosing