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Workplace Wellbeing Partnerships

Offer our health and wellbeing promotion services to your clients

A New Leaf Health practitioner discussing results with a health check attendee

Hundreds of UK businesses love working with us

Give your clients the benefits of wellbeing

Here at New Leaf Health, we have a vast wealth of experience when it comes to delivering work for partners. We’ve delivered wellbeing solutions to some of the world’s biggest businesses, and our long-lasting partner relationships are a testament to our success and reliability.

Wellbeing services we provide for our partners

We perform a range of wellbeing work for our partners, from essential health promotion , to bespoke wellbeing interventions.

Services we provide for our partners include:

  • Employee health checks
  • Employee health screening
  • Health and wellbeing roadshows
  • Manager and employee mental health training
  • Mental Health First Aid courses

We can offer a wider range of our existing services, plus bespoke options, but we find that these are the most popular and effective preventative wellbeing interventions.

A New Leaf Health trainer giving a group of attendees a talk around mental health and resilience
A New Leaf Health practitioner speaking to an attendee at a health and wellbeing roadshow

Partners we work with

We work with a wide range of partners and intermediaries in a variety of different capacities. We are always open to exploring new opportunities to promote wellbeing in the workplace.

Typical partners that we work with include:

  • Occupational health providers
  • Health and safety providers
  • Insurers and brokers
  • EAP providers
  • Health charities
  • Business process outsourcing providers

Not sure how to get started in wellbeing?

If you’re providing other essential business products like health insurance, cash plans, EAP etc., wellbeing may not be your area of expertise. It’s a complex topic – we should know, it’s our entire business.

We want to help you to help your clients so, when you partner with us, we’ll provide you with all of the onboarding and education you need to get up to speed with the world of workplace wellbeing.

Not only will you be able to sell wellbeing services to your clients, you’ll also be able to discuss their wellbeing needs with them, to get a deeper understanding of their business.

Partnership Wellbeing Education

Everybody’s understanding of wellbeing will be different. Whatever your starting point, we’ll help you get to where you need to be for your clients.

We can help you by offering:

  • Wellbeing webinars
  • One-to-one support calls
  • Signposting to resources
  • On-site event visits with our clients

We offer these benefits as part of our partnership, so we don’t charge for these offerings

Working with New Leaf Health

We believe that a partnership doesn’t need to be overly complicated to be successful. It should be based on a foundation of trust and mutual benefit.

A clear, fair contract

We’ll develop a mutual contract for working together that protects everyone’s interests, without any sneaky clauses or underhand business practices.

Straightforward pricing

We know that price is important to your clients. That’s why we’ll work with you to develop a pricing plan that gives your clients the best value possible, whether it’s based on commission or wholesale.

Your clients are yours - always

We know the immense value offered by working with our partners. That’s why we’ll never go behind your back to cut you out and deal with one of your clients directly.

Talk to us about partnership

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